
Mng 00723 - what is globalisation and how does it affect

Assessment: Short written response (20 marks) 1500 words

Answer the following 3 questions (each approximately 500 words):

1. What is globalisation and how does it affect domestic businesses? In your discussion, include both positive and negative impacts of globalisation.

2. When you compareAbsolute Advantage Theory and Comparative Advantage Theory, which one appears to be more practical, and why?

Also, explain how benefit from trade arises based on this theory using a numerical example of 2 countries producing 2 products.

3. Donald Trump, president of United States of America, announced the imposition of tariff on Chinese imports in the recent past. Based on your understanding of the first 3 topics of this unit, (i) what could have been the reason/logic behind such a comment/decision, and (ii) what are the implications of such an intervention on domestic consumers?

You are expected to use at least 5 academic sources (excluding the textbook) to support your viewpoints.

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Management Theories: Mng 00723 - what is globalisation and how does it affect
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