
Mn601 network project management case study

Network Project Management Case Study Assignment

Purpose of the assessment - The purpose of this assignment is to build a clear understanding of project management fundamentals and their application, specifically:

  • demonstrate project leadership skills; identify and assess risk in designing, executing a major project;
  • critically reflect on current project management ethics, research, and theory and practice;

Purpose of the assessment: In this assessment task, you are required examine a project case and write a 800-100 words report on the project management and ethical issues (excluding references).

A case study of a novice project manager

By Patricia E Lindsey, and Scott W Kramer.

Assignment task -

Write a report on the above case study that addresses the following issues; and carry out research on project management practice and discuss the ethical implications in this case.

In your report, you must use the headings given below. We encourage you to use at least 10 key peer reviewed sources for your analysis (a combination of journals, conference papers, website or any other reliable source to support your analysis).

Report headings and their description -

1. PM Leadership - Discuss, how well are leadership skills demonstrated by Jim 5 and Bob? Justify your answer in relation to the incidents in the cases study.

2. PM Execution - Elaborate on how well is the execution of the project going. What could be the alternatives to the current processes being followed?

3. PM Risk - Analysis Which risk(s) should the project plan have identified, and 5 what could be their risk mitigation plan(s)?

4. Ethics Assessment - Document facts about the ethical dilemma(s) arising in this 5 case, and explore questions such as:

  • Does it abide by the law?
  • Does it align with the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct?

5. Ethics Alternatives - Consider the choices available to the concerned parties by 5 documenting the following questions:

  • What are the possible alternative choices?
  • What are the pros and cons for each possible choice?

6. Ethics Analysis - Identify the candidate decision and test its validity using the 5 factors suggested by PMI Ethical Decision-Making Framework.

7. Ethics Application - Apply ethical principles to your candidate decision by asking questions such as:

  • Would the choice result in the greatest good?
  • Would the choice be fair and beneficial to all concerned?

8. Ethics Action - Make a decision after considering relevant questions, and justify your choice.

9. References - List references and give in-text referencing using IEEE style.

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Management Theories: Mn601 network project management case study
Reference No:- TGS02745225

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