
Mn601 - project management - problemproject based learning

Aim: To understand and apply Project Management (PM) methods, processes and tools to a real-life project.


1) To select a project that you have been associated with, from your own life experience.

2) To reflect upon your experience of managing the project.

3) Document your experience under appropriate headings, such asthe following, but not necessarily the same.
a. Time-line
b. Budget
c. Participants
d. Lessons learnt

4) To transform the above information into a formal project plan using MS Project, and present it as a formal report.

5) To work as a project team and document the most suitable project.

6) To understand how Project Management fundamentals apply to real-life projects.

Submission Guidelines:

Submit files on a weekly basis as follows:

Week 1: Select a project you have executed, and document it.
Week2: Write down your experience under appropriate headings to further enhance the Week-1 Document.
Week3: Form a group of Maximum 3 team members. Using Project Selection Matrix select one of the projects for further work as a group. Select a team leader, who will submit common reports week-3 onwards.
Weeks4-11: Update your previous document using a formal Project Management methodology.
Week 4: Create a Project ‘Business Case' and Project Charter
Week 5: Describe the project Scope
Week 6: Create the project WBS
Week 7: Describe the project Communication plan
Week 8: Describe the project Schedule
Week 9: Describe the project Resources and Risks
Week 10: Describe the project Budget, and Ethical issues
Week 11: Document project Closureand Lessons learnt.
Week12: Submit the final report and present your project report in the class.

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Computer Networking: Mn601 - project management - problemproject based learning
Reference No:- TGS02804898

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