
Mn504 - networked application management - discuss the

Critical Analysis and Problem Solving in Networked Application Management

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assignment is to assess skills of critical analysis and problem solving in regard to Networked Application Management (NAM). This assignment assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes; students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in them:

b. Apply socio-technical contexts in modern network applications and management;
c.Utilise common and emerging types of middleware to design and manage networked applications;

Task 1:

The first task is to review literature on network application management of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV).Technical details of the working of the application are to be added in the introduction part of the report. In addition, at least three articles related to performance of IPTV need to be analysed in depth by discussing the overall contribution, scope and limitations of each research work. Use peer reviewed journal articles, conference articles, book chapters and/or independent scholarly reports. You will have practised critical analysis of literature in your PBL exercises.

Task 2:

In the second task, you need to critically discuss the metrics that are related to performance of such applications. For IPTV, analyse critically:
- The underlying mechanism and protocolssupporting the application
- Middleware support required by the application
- Strengths and weaknesses of the application
- QoS requirements in terms of network parameters

Task 3:

The move of traditional TV to IPTV has a social bearing on its users. In this task, you will discuss the socio-technical aspects of such applications.

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Computer Networking: Mn504 - networked application management - discuss the
Reference No:- TGS02850000

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