
Mn501 network management in organisations assignment-

Network Management in Organisations Assignment- Ethical issues arising from use of ICT technologies

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) - This assignment assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes; students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in them.

  • Analyse ethical, professional standards and codes of practice in relation to ICT systems;
  • Understand the importance of team work, collaboration and life-long learning in the workplace.

Assignment Description -

Topic 1: Health monitoring devices/machines are increasingly being used by caregivers and medical personnel in hospitals. Previous studies have discussed various benefits of these monitoring devices. However, concerns arise as to whether these machines/devices can also be used as a tool of surveillance to expose human error, add to nursing responsibilities (device maintenance) and complicate work routines. Is it ethical to monitor caregivers and nurses in hospitals constantly? Is there a moral or legal obligation for hospitals to protect the rights of nurses?

Topic 2: Many countries are considering the use of driverless car technologies as advocates of this technology argue it has potential to minimise accident and save lives. While new jobs will be created this technology will likely result in an overall reduction in jobs (professional drivers, taxi drivers and public transport drivers will lose their job). Using ethical lens, analyse the consequences of driverless car technology on families and society. What duties do companies that develop these technologies have towards various stakeholders?

Topic 3: Internet can act as a platform to confront racial issues on the other hand it can perpetuate or enhance aspects of racism. From an ethical perspective is it acceptable for people to freely express their feelings on the Internet even if the content directly or indirectly reinforce racial stereotypes and perpetuate racial prejudice. Use ethical values in your analysis to justify your position.

Topic 4: RFID implantable microchip have been used for 'risk patients' and is purely voluntary in some countries. Would it be acceptable to implant chips into patients who are not able to give consent? Are there privacy and security issues that arise from chip implantation?

Topic 5: A student has many assignments to submit during the semester. Student 'X' is struggling to cope with the assignment workload but at the same time determined to get a good score. His friend during a routine conversation states that you can outsource your assignment to a third party and gives him/her their contact details. After contacting them they agree to write assignment for a fee. Student 'X' pays them and gets the assignment. Using an ethical perspective discuss the consequences of such an action in short term and long term for Student 'X' and the university he studies, would such an action be a breach of student code of conduct? What if the employer in the future finds out that Student 'X' cheated in his degree? Use ethical reasoning in your analysis.

Please use the following aspects as headings for your report.

Introduction to the case/scenario - Introduce the ethical issue/s that arise in the case/scenario you selected and describe it clearly.

Identification of ethical values - Identify at least 2 important ethical values related to the scenario and explain their relevance to the case. Use peer reviewed academic sources.

Analysis of ethical issues using ethical theories framework - Conduct an ethical analysis using ethical theories framework (consequence, duty, contract and character based theories). Use ethical principles from these theories and apply it to the scenario and conduct your analysis. Arguments need to stated clearly and backed up using peer reviewed sources.

Discussion of your findings - Discuss your findings here in detail. What would be your final decision? Explain why this is the best decision. Justify.

Conclusion - Write a conclusion for this assignment. Your conclusion must summarise the work you did and what your final decision is. No new information should be included in the conclusion.

Referencing - Follow APA or IEEE reference style.

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Computer Networking: Mn501 network management in organisations assignment-
Reference No:- TGS02789587

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