
Mn404 - t3 2017 fundamentals of operating systems and java

Fundamentals of Operating Systems and Java Programming Assignment: Role of OS Operating System and CLI

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) - This assignment assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes; students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in them.

a. Describe the role of Operating Systems (OS) and its different subsystems in controlling computer hardware

b. Demonstrate competency in the use of a command line interface to operate and perform simple OS administration

Assignment Specifications -

Section 1:  Operating Systems

I. An operating system consists of four essential subsystem managers such as Memory Manager, Processor Manager, Device Manager and File Manager. When a user executes a command explain with a flow chart how these managers cooperate with each other to get a job done.    

II. Research the Internet or current literature to identify an operating system that runs a cell phone or handheld computer. (These are generally known as mobile operating systems.) List the key features of the operating system and the hardware it is designed to run. Cite your sources.         

III. Name the five key concepts about an operating system that you think a novice user needs to know and understand.

IV. Give an example of an organization that might find batch-mode processing useful and explain why?

V. How does timesharing extend multiprogramming to provide for interactive computing by several users?

VI. To what extent are the two OS's (Linux/Unix and Windows), are essentially the same and importantly different?

Section 2: OS Administration using Command Line Interface

I. Directory Navigation

i. Determine your current working directory

ii. List the contents of the current directory in long format.

iii. Create a directory called learning.

iv. Change the current working directory to the new learning directory.

v. List the files in 'learning' in long format.

vi. Change the working directory back to your home directory.

vii. Remove the directory learning.

II. Changing File Permissions

i. Display the current file permissions on a file.

ii. Restrict access to a file by removing read permissions for group and other.

iii. Display the new files permissions on that file and observe the changes.

III. Viewing Files

i. List your files.

ii. View the file history using either less or more.

IV. Manipulating Files

i. List the files in your home directory. Note that the file 'old' is one of the files in your home directory. If not create a file with name 'old'.

ii. Copy old to a file called new. List your files to confirm that you have both old and new.

iii. Rename the file old to ancient. List your files to confirm that ancient and new exist.

iv. Remove the file ancient and then list your files to ensure it has been removed.

v. Create a directory called myfolder. List your files to ensure that myfolder was created.

vi. Set your current working directory to myfolder. Do not, however, type in the entire name of the directory. Instead type the first two letters and use Tab completion to fill in the rest of the file name.

vii. Copy the file new from your home directory to myfolder.

viii. Using a wildcard, list all of the files that begin with the letter n.

ix. Return to your home directory.

x. Remove the directory called myfolder and all of its contents. List your files to ensure that it was removed.

V. Try the following command sequence:

i. cd (to any directory you have)

ii. pwd

iii. ls -al

iv. cd .

v. pwd

vi. cd ..

vii. pwd

viii. ls -al

ix. cd ..

x. pwd

xi. ls -al

xii. cd ..

xiii. pwd

xiv. cd /etc

xv. ls -al | more

xvi. cat passwd

xvii. cd -

xviii. pwd

VII. Experiment with the options on the ls command. What do the d, i, R and F options do?

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Operating System: Mn404 - t3 2017 fundamentals of operating systems and java
Reference No:- TGS02576607

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