Mktg 363 suppose you are working on a viral ad campaign to

Consumer Behavior



Q1. Conduct a semiotic analysis of one of the following brands, and describe how the basic brand meaning is supported by its signature sensory retail experience?

Victoria's Secret
Coach Apple


Q2. Suppose you are working on a viral ad campaign to recruit college age students to join a controversial cause like Greenpeace. What persuasion tactic would you use and why? Provide an example of the copy (500 words or less) that would demonstrate your use of this tactic to recruit college students to the cause?


1. Submission. The written midterm answers must be posted on D2L by NO LATER
 No submissions will be accepted after this time.

2. Format. New Times Roman 12-point font, spacing: 1.5, normal 1" top/bottom and 1.25" left/right margins. Start each question on a new page with "Q#" bolded and centered at the top of the page. Each page of the document must include the name of the author and page number in the header or footer. Points will be docked for failure to comply with formatting requirements.

Citations are required if you are quoting other sources. All non- authored content and materials need to be cited or referenced. Make sure that you cite sources for ideas and content that you have taken from other sources (i.e. online, print, video media, etc).

Failure to do so could constitute plagiarism that is a serious offense in the School of Business Administration. If you are familiar with the APA format, please use APA. Otherwise, remain consistent with your text formatting and citation.

3. Writing. Please try to answer each question in fewer than 1,500 words. Proof and spell check your essays. Points will be lost if I cannot understand what you are trying to communicate.

• DO provide answers that go beyond personal opinions.

• DO NOT redefine terms already defined in the book.

• DO use bullet points and diagrams if they help you articulate your response.

4. Working in Teams. You can discuss the problems and do research with peers for each of the questions, but shared answers are disallowed (resulting in a 0 score for all parties involved if discovered). Shared answers are essays that are copied between students with minor modifications and submitted as individual answers. All responses must be original work. However...

5. Joint submission. You can work with up to ONE other person to complete the midterm and submit a single exam submission to the instructor. The names of the two joint authors need to be included as the header on all pages of the document.

6. Grading. The primary assessment for the midterm is your ability to manipulate and correctly explain key concepts presented in lectures and readings. You are expected to provide succinct and a "deep" level of analysis rather than simply providing book definitions and descriptions.

Specifically, I am looking for you to demonstrate your understanding of the materials we have covered. Using technical terms and jargon we have learned will greatly enhance your score!

Please direct all additional questions to [email protected].

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Other Subject: Mktg 363 suppose you are working on a viral ad campaign to
Reference No:- TGS02241579

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