
Mkt101a - marketing fundamentals - marketing report -

Marketing Fundamentals - Marketing Report

Learning Outcomes

a) Reflect on the evolution of the Marketing Concept.
b) Outline the elements of the Marketing Process.
c) Analyse the Social, Cultural, Global and Environmental Responsibilities of the professional marketer.
d) Demonstrate an understanding of Analysis, Problem-Solving and Communication Skills in Marketing.
e) Describe key marketing metrics used to evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing plan.


- The aim of this assessment is for you to demonstrate both your understanding of, and ability to identify the key components of a Marketing Plan for a product or service.

- You can work individually or as a pair to complete the assignment. Your preference and name(s) should be emailed to the facilitator by the Monday of Week 4. It is also recommended that you present a draft covering sections a) to e) by week 9 to the facilitator for feedback.

- You need to select one (1) organization/ product /service. You are to conduct a full analysis of the marketing environment, the target market and the marketing strategy through the application of theory presented and discussed in this subject.

Assessment Brief: Project Report

- The marketing report can use the following as a format. The report analysis should include:

a. Introduction - to establish the purpose /content of the report.

b. Company Background - A brief background Information on the Company and selected Product/Service

c. Situation Analysis that:

i. Examines forces and identifies key changes in the marketing environment that may influence both marketers' and customers' decisions including economic, political, legal, socio-cultural and technological factors.

ii. Includes a SWOT Analysis based on factors identified from the above analysis of the Marketing Environment t h a t i n c l u d e s : (Opportunities/Threats) and any relevant internal factors (Strengths/Weaknesses).

d. Competitive Analysis - of 2 competitor Product/Services, including why or what makes them competitors to the Product/Service under review. Discussion should include a comparative review of their marketing mixes.

e. Consumer Buyer Characteristics including the level of involvement of consumers that purchase the Product/Service and identify situational, psychological and any external (social /cultural) influences on the buying decision process.

f. Target market, Positioning and Branding analysis that includes:
i. Segmentation analysis
ii. Targeting strategy
iii. Positioning Strategies - Identification of a positioning statement
iv. Summary of key brand strategies

g. Marketing mix variables that include:
i. Product strategy:
- Classification of the product /service
- The three levels of product.
- Identification of product mix (include width, line and depth)

ii. Pricing strategy:
- Apply relevant pricing strategies that may be used and associated terminology /concepts.

iii. Placement:
- Marketing/distribution channel strategy
- Distribution coverage strategy

iv. Promotion:
- Advertising
- Personal selling
- Sales promotion
- Public Relations
- Direct Marketing
- Digital
- Others eg., product placement, sponsorship, co-branding

v. Extended marketing mix variables - brief summary
- People
- Process
- Physical evidence
- Partnerships

f. Conclusion that includes the key findings.

g. References - Any information that is obtained from primary or secondary sources (i.e. books, journal, newspapers etc.) must be correctly referenced. This should include in-text citations and an alphabetical Reference List.

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Marketing Management: Mkt101a - marketing fundamentals - marketing report -
Reference No:- TGS02768940

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