
Mkt 300 briefly tell me about yourself describe a time when

Oral Communication Self-Marketing Project

• Question 1: Briefly tell me about yourself.

• Question 2: Describe a time when you were faced with problems or stressful situation at work. How did you work through them?

• Question 3: What are your strengths?

• Question 4: What is your greatest weakness?

• Question 5: What qualifications do you have that make you feel you would be successful in this position?

• Question 6: Why do you want to work here?

Directions for Evaluator: Please use this form to rank the student's overall performance on a 1-5 point scale. Assess how well this student "marketed" himself or herself to a prospective employer. Categorize the student as someone you would consider:

5) OUTSTANDING: Definitely consider hiring on the spot, based on the interview, if you were a manager or CEO of your own business, based on oral communication skills.

4; GOOD: Possibly consider hiring the person if no stronger candidates, but not completely sold on this candidate based on oral communication skills.

3) SATISFACTORY: Probably not hire the person based on the interview and lack of professional oral communication skills, but categorize applicant as someone with possibilities, and place application in file for future consideration.

2) POOR: Would recommend candidate work on his or her oral communication skills before attempting more interviews. Responses lack substance, conviction, detailed knowledge of valuable skills & expertise, or very unprofessional manner.

1) TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE: Cannot imagine EVER hiring the person at all for any position-EVER-based on the interview. Complete lack of professionalism, seems to have NO knowledge about the position, and NO understanding of the work world and NO understanding how to orally communicate in an interview situation.

Question 1 &5 : Answer includes discussion of educational background (Name of University, Class level, and Program of study (major, minor, concentration, etc). Previous experiences (work, clubs, volunteer activities, etc) that relate to the position are introduced. Language skills (if applicable) are mentioned. Applicant shows enthusiasm, interest and knowledge of the company. Answer avoids personal information - age, family info, marital status/sexual orientation. Answer is detailed but concise (no rambling). Answers seem sincere. Answer sounds professional an d focuses on professional interests rather than personal interest, and preferably relates to position applicant is applying for.

Question 2: Answer uses the WHO method. Applicant described: What the situation was; How applicant dealt with it; What the Outcome was. Example is relevant to the question/position (Note: it is okay to use a situation at school/club/organization rather than work). Answer is organized and complete, but concise (no rambling) and sounds professional.

Question 3, 4, & 6: Answer is appropriate and preferably related to position. Answer is supported by at least one example. Answer avoids using a key characteristic or qualification of the position applicant is applying for. Applicant provides example of what he/she is doing to overcome or compensate for weakness.

DELIVERY: Speaker had adequate eye-contact and was vocally expressive. Person used purposeful gestures, maintained confident & professional demeanor. Avoided unprofessional mannerisms. Avoided inflammatory and/or elementary, slang phrases of expression.

ATTIRE: Attire appears appropriate for professional-level interviews. The speaker looks like what managers would expect of someone with an undergraduate degree, appearing for a professional-level interview.

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Marketing Research: Mkt 300 briefly tell me about yourself describe a time when
Reference No:- TGS01736889

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