
Mkg203 digital marketing communications - define digital

Learning Outcomes

a) Define digital marketing communications (DMC) and its role in marketing strategy.
b) Demonstrate an understanding of the DMC environment and apply it to marketing planning.
c) Identify the DMC mix and its application in marketing management and planning.


In this assessment you are required to read from a range of digital marketing blogs, videos, articles or industry reports and create and write an online blog of your own reflections on current digital marketing practice.


You are required to create a professional online blog (using blog software of your choice e.g. You are required to set up one (1) blog and submit three (3) posts to it reflecting on current issues and practises in digital marketing.

The online blog URL needs to be pasted into a word document, along with the three posts and the references used and uploaded as a submission to Blackboard. Please note that while the online blog is what will be assessed you are still required to upload this word document with references as a university copy.

For the blog posts, you are encouraged to use hyperlinks when referencing online sources as well as in-text referencing of other sources. All images or figures /tables used in the blog should be referenced.

you can use a creative blog writing style and presentation style congruent with the professional blogs you are reading online. For example, when referring to a statistic /quote hyperlinking to the source; when referring to an important video, embedding it into the blog; including images to support the text; completing the basic details the blog platform offers including a title for the b log, header image, completing the about us section briefly.

This is not an academic paper as such, but you do need to validate your insights with support from other references or sources. As a guide, each blog should draw on at least three independent reference sources.

As a guide, each blog should be approximately 400 words in length.

For additional support on the above please consult the learning facilitator.

Attachment:- Assessment_Blogactivity.rar

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Dissertation: Mkg203 digital marketing communications - define digital
Reference No:- TGS02937258

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