
Mkg102 - consumer behaviour assessment - forum

Consumer Behaviour Assessment - Forum Participation

Learning Outcomes -

a) Explain the meaning of consumer behaviour and its role in marketing strategy development.

b) Apply the concept of the consumer decision-making model to provide insights into consumer buying processes.

c) Categorise the needs and wants of consumers and their underlying motivations

d) Analyse the psychological processes affecting consumer behaviour.

e) Identify social and cultural influences on consumer behaviour.


The aim of the forum participation assessment is to provide a framework to encourage your engagement, to encourage collaboration and foster valuable perspectives gained from shared learning experiences. These assessed forums promote critical thinking in the application of theory into practice. You will be able to reflect on your own efforts, and extend and enrich this reflection by exchanging feedback on your peers' work.


1. Please select a marketing communications example from a company e.g.,Television commercial, You-tube video, Social media site, Website , Billboard, poster, print advertisement etc.,

2. Apply relevant consumer behavior theory in your analysis of it in the discussion forum.

In this discussion you should focus more on the theory provided in the lecture /notes and essential readings that relate to the first four (4) modules of topics. It is very important that you engage with consumer behaviour theory in your analysis and reference it appropriately.

3. Summarise your findings and post your response to the discussion forum.

4. After you post you will see everyone else's posts so please read and comment on at least two (2) student posts.

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Management Theories: Mkg102 - consumer behaviour assessment - forum
Reference No:- TGS02521128

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