
Mixed-method approach for proposed action research study

Assignment Task:

This week we are using a mixed-method approach for your proposed action research study, so you gain experience and skills in using both approaches to collect data. If you plan to implement your action research in the future, you may need to further consider if your research question lends itself to a more qualitative or quantitative approach to data collection. The mixed-methods design for your proposed study allows you to consider how each method of data collection can support a deeper understanding of your area of focus, the effectiveness of your intervention, and the answer to your research question.

This week you will work on the next section that will contribute to your Final Action Research Proposal by examining both qualitative and quantitative approaches to data collection, generating one instrument you can use to collect data in your study, considering how you will establish trustworthiness in your study, and planning your procedures for data collection.

Write: Content Expectations

1. What data would you collect? In one to two paragraphs,

  • Justify one qualitative (experience-based) or quantitative (number-based) instrument that would be used in your proposed study to collect data on the effectiveness of your intervention in answering your research question.
  • Provide support from the research, literature, and textbook to explain why this would be an effective method for data collection. Need Assignment Help?

2. Data Collection Procedures: In one to three paragraphs,

  • Describe your procedures for collecting data in your proposed action research study. This is where you explain how you are using your intervention to collect data.

3. Data Collection Considerations: In one to two pages, discuss credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.

  • Discuss how you will establish trustworthiness of your action research study, using Lincoln and Guba's Quality Criteria for Trustworthiness.

4. Intervention plan: In one to two pages provide your proposed timeline,

  • Describe your data collection procedures and provide a narrative description of your proposal (elevator speech). Be sure to also address how your data collection will reflect trustworthiness and the ethical considerations related to anonymity and confidentiality.

5. Research and Resource Expectations

  • A minimum of two scholarly, credible, or peer-reviewed sources, in addition to the course textbook, are required.

6. Next Steps

  • Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric to ensure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for each criterion. Submit the assignment for evaluation no later than Day 7.
  • The Action Research Proposal: Data Collection, Instruments, and Procedures paper
  • Must be five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style

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Other Subject: Mixed-method approach for proposed action research study
Reference No:- TGS03454470

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