
misunderstandings in communicationthink of two

Misunderstandings in Communication

Think of two misunderstandings you experienced when communicating with someone else at work, home, or school and explain both and then answer the following questions. Who was the sender? Who was the receiver? What was the message? What channel was used to send the message? What was the misunderstanding that occurred? How could the misunderstanding have been avoided?

What did you learn about the communication process from this activity?

What seemed to be the main causes of the misunderstandings?

Cite a meaningful misunderstanding rather than a general or less material misunderstanding.

Use business or work-related examples rather than personal ones.

Find the role of the sender and receiver, such as manager, peer, subordinate, client, vendor, and so forth.

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Business Management: misunderstandings in communicationthink of two
Reference No:- TGS0473389

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