
Mission statement for the organization


Prepare a minimum eight slide PowerPoint presentation narrated by you. The first slide will be title page with your student name and graphic of the organization, and final slide will list references to meet APA for any electronic sources for the firm's site, along with at least two peer-reviewed recent library journal articles. You will select a health care organization that you are familiar with or have researched.

Cover the below elements:

A brief introduction to the institution (this may be an additional slide to the minimum required), the existing mission statement (one slide), your revised mission statement for the organization (one slide), your rationale for revision based on lessons (use bullets for highlights on one slide), what particular components did you choose to emphasize and why (two slides which can have one element on each one using bullet points), and a slide to cover what particular component you think really embodies the distinctiveness of this organization. Be sure to use a template background. Use some appropriate graphics for visual interest. Be sure to cite in-text on slides where research is applied for proper credit. Upload your presentation via attachment link to the respective discussion forum thread (use your last name in the subject line). View the rubric that will be used to grade your submission.

Tips in creating your PowerPoint presentation ....

Include your name on the cover slide to identify you as the student

Use bullets and key phrases (avoid using sentences and refrain from using periods unless there is a logical reason for doing so - such as sharing the firm's 'Mission Statement')

Rule of Thumb to keep in mind - no more than six lines to a slide and no more than six words to a line

Incorporate a few graphics to keep it interesting

Be consistent on your background and use the same theme throughout the presentation (however, you may want to change just ONE slide to emphasize a key point and make your presentation memorable)

A basic background is dark blue for a professional presentation if you are not sure on color choice - do not use plain white background with black font (as that is like reading a handout or a book)! Use one of the templates available in PowerPoint, there are even more available to download at Microsoft (use the help in your program to locate easily).

Use upper and lower case letters (do not use NOT all caps).

Transitions and animation can detract from your message - while they are 'fun' use them only for emphasis

Sound effects are NOT to be used unless they have a specific purpose for one point on a slide - otherwise they detract from your message

Some students have incorporated an organization chart in their presentation

Save file as a .ppt which is the default (not a slide show or .pps)

Use APA format (reference details on final slide, and note cites on slide where used)

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Other Management: Mission statement for the organization
Reference No:- TGS01850134

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