
Mis 4312 identify and document the proposed changes to

Description of the problem(s)

OSHA requires employers to keep a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for hazardous chemicals that are used within a company. In the course of the last few years, requirements have changed for manufacturers of these chemicals and the responsibilities of employers. The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) was adopted by the US. MSDSs are being replaced with the GHS Safety Data Sheets. Employers need to update their hazardous material data to the new standard.

Description of the solution(s)

Create a database of Globally Harmonized System safety data sheets to meet the new requirements and continue compliance with OSHA regulations of keeping employees informed of hazardous materials that they use.

Description of needed resources

List of hazardous substances used, a pdf copy of each substance's Safety Data Sheet in the GHS format, MS Access, usb flash drive

Phase 1:

C: Identify and document the proposed change(s) to resolve the existing system's problem(s).

D: Identify and document the scope and constraints of the proposed change(s).

E: Describe and justify both tangible and intangible benefits as a result of the proposed system.

F: Identify needed resources including human, hardware, operating systems, underlying software, time, cost, etc. to complete the proposed system (the project).

Phase 2:

J: System Design:

a) Data Base: data base design should identify data elements and their attributes along with description of switch board, menus, tables, views, reports, queries, etc. Keep in mind that the user should not see database tables and should have to learn database to use the system. All components of the system (input windows, reports, queries, etc.) must be delivered via user-friendly forms designed by the analyst.

K: Computer Programs Identification and Function should identify and name all programs along with their functions that will make up the new system including operating systems (Windows, Linux, etc.), base software (Access, visual Basic, DearmWeaver, FrontPage, HTML, XML, Java, etc.) and codes that are written either by you or generated for you by the base software (macros, html).

L: Computer Program Test Requirements Definition should specify how each program would be tested (include sample test data).

M: System Test Requirements Definition should specify how and when the new system would be tested.

Supporting Materials

Phases I & II Report addressing above listed items A-O, the supporting materials as listed below
Supporting Materials (Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams) In addition to the above-specified report, you must also turn in the following supporting materials.

1. Each group member's professional Resume

4. System flowchart show the overall hierarchy of the system by depicting how various database screens/windows (for db-type projects) or web pages (for web projects) are relate/linked (embedded screen shots).

5. Entity-Relationship and Data Flow diagrams

a. Data Base: show each database entity and the relationship between various entities, as well as, a Data dictionary listing the database elements and their attributes and a Data flow diagram showing the flow of data from/to various processes/programs; or transferred form one web page to another (embedded screen shots).

6. System façade showing screen shots of all input and output screens/windows/forms, switchboard, queries, reports, and/or screen shots of all web pages and forms Note: Use JAD and RAD to develop these with your user. Keep in mind that user input is vital.

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Management Information Sys: Mis 4312 identify and document the proposed changes to
Reference No:- TGS01649492

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