
Minimizing total cost-meeting the demands

Problem: A fast food restaurant uses full time and part time help to meet fluctuating demand during the day. The following table presents projected need for workers at differentt times of the day:

Time --> workers needed
9am-10am --> 4
10am-11am --> 5
11am - noon --> 9
noon- 1pm --> 10
1pm - 2pm --> 8
2pm- 3pm --> 4
3pm - 4pm --> 3
4pm - 5pm --> 6

There is a maximum of 4 full time workers and the other workers are part time workers. Each full time worker is there from 9am until 5pm, while the part-time workers will work for 4 consecutive hours at a cost of £4.00 per hour. The cost of the full-time worker is £50 per day. The company wishes to minimize total cost while meeting the demands.

(what i would like here is for this to be formulated as a linear programming problem with the optimal, the constraints and objective clearly shown. I don't need for it to be solved in excel but what i am struggling with is how to show that the part time workers can only work for 4 consecutive hours as a constraint.)

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Macroeconomics: Minimizing total cost-meeting the demands
Reference No:- TGS01747048

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