Respond to two student discussion, do not critique or grade students, only add to the discussion.
Discussion 1
There are many reasons why FEMA should stay at DHS. FEMA became a part of DHS to allow all components of homeland security to work together and make the country safer. FEMA should stay under DHS because making it independent again will not make America any safer. As many of us know, FEMA is important in being some of the first responders after a disaster. Moving them onto their own platform will not make the country any safer or make them work any more efficient than they are now. Most individuals who believe FEMA should be on their own mostly reference only Hurricane Katrina as their reason. DHS-led FEMA is working better with improvements in disaster response plans.
Another reason why FEMA should remain with DHS would be their access to resources and capabilities that are inherent in Homeland Security. These resources and capabilities include communications, search and rescues, law enforcement assistance, intelligence, the ability to surge personnel from other DHS agencies during emergencies, and infrastructure protection (Peters, 2009). The mission of FEMA is similar to that of DHS agencies therefore these agencies should work together making their cooperation and responses more efficient as a team.
Jenkins, W. O. (2007). Homeland Security: Observations on DHS and FEMA Efforts to Prepare for and Respond to Major and Catastrophic Disasters and Address Related Recommendations and Legislation: Testimony Before the Committee on Homeland Security. US Government Accountability Office.
Discussion 2
Prison is a stressful experience, especially for those who have never served time before. Adjusting to prison life can prove difficult making those individuals vulnerable. Through extensive research, Hamm explains five commonalities and patterns in converting a prisoner to a violent radical. These patterns include inmates who turn to religion as a coping mechanism; inmates who look to groups because they often provide safety and protection; inmates who may have had little, if any, exposure to religion and "are fascinated by both the multiplicity of religious expressions inside prison and the feeling of belonging among members of the group" (White, 2017, p. 38); inmates who manipulate and exploit other inmates to their own advantage; and inmates who are exposed to outside militant chaplains, who act as a conduit between the inmate and the outside world. What typically lies behind most all prison conversions is the friendship and bond created between a radicalized inmate and vulnerable inmate. In some circumstances, a new inmate may seek out and approach another inmate who may be associated with radicalized religious beliefs. While this is rare, it does happen.
To help address and minimize the radicalization process, prison administration can follow a number of suggestions found through various research. In a study conducted in the United Kingdom, a program was developed to counter such radicalization in prison-observe all outside chaplain's actions and behavior, in addition to observing inmates who have radical views and isolating them from other inmates, to name a few (White, 2017, p. 39). Through Hamm's research, he also suggests that crucial training is provided to staff regarding the different styles and tactics that are used during the recruitment process. He also suggests to employ a diversified staff that includes Muslim-Americans (Hamm, 2008).
Hamm, M. (2008). Prisoner radicalization: Assessing the threat in US correctional institutions. NIJ(261), 14-19.
White, J. R. (2017). Terrorism and Homeland Security (9th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.