
Mini-project multisim assignment- write a short report

Mini-Project (Multisim) Assignment

2-Bit Multiplier

The goals of this project are:

1. To explore the concept of a 2-bit multiplierand its circuit design
2. Build the truth table for the circuit and use known methods to simplify the circuit expression
3. Build the circuit and test it using Multisim
4. Compare the results obtained in Multisim with the initial values calculated


Multiplication in binary is done in the same way as in decimal. When multiplying multiple bit sequences, we start from the least significant bit in the multiplier, multiply it by the multiplicand and record the result. Then we shift one bit to the left and repeat with the second bit of the multiplier until all bits are used. When we multiply two 2-bit numbers, the result is usually expected to occupy 4 bits.

For this particular circuit we will have two sets of 2-bit inputs (thus having 4 inputs) and a 4-bit output. Therefore, there should be four different combinational circuits computing each one of the four inputs.

In your project you need to describe how the circuit is designed. Start with building the truth table needed to represent the operation and its outputs. Then deduce the required logic circuit design from the table. You can use Boolean manipulation or Karnaugh maps to simplify the resulting circuitry.

Finally, when you have the design ready, build the circuit using Multisim and verify that you get the correct output from the circuit by comparing it to the initial truth table.

Documentation and Submission

• Write a short report describing how you designed the circuit and the methods you used to simplify and refine it. Include any necessary details such as truth tables, simplification methods, and design steps.

• After you build the circuit using Multisim, include the final results obtained from the simulation in your report to compare the results. Save the simulation file generated for submission.

• Your final submission will be two files: the report document and the Multisim circuit file.Please name your files as follows:

o Multisim R - [Full Name] for the word document and
o MultiSim S - [Full name] for the simulation file.

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Dissertation: Mini-project multisim assignment- write a short report
Reference No:- TGS02270177

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