
mini computers and micro computersthe mini

Mini Computers and Micro Computers:

The mini computers are intermediate in power, and may function as small mainframe computers. They are often dedicated to a particular purpose such as data base access and support several users at a time. Cost wise, they are less expensive compared to mainframes., Micro Computers Micro computer systems have received a great deal of attention in recent years. They are physically small, and relatively cheap. Originally they were of low power and only single user.  

Recent developments in chip and processing technology has resulted in the emergence of new micro computers capable of out performing mini computers in certain applications, usually heavy computational or simulation applications. Descriptions of microcomputers usually refer to the type of chip that is at the heart of the CPU and there are two main 'families' :- The Motorola series and the Intel series. The Motorola 68000 series are particularly adept at handling graphics and are used in personal computers such as the Commodore, Atari, and Apple Mackintosh ranges. The Intel series was adopted by IBM and IBM compatibles or clones and is the most widely used in business micro computers.  

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Computer Engineering: mini computers and micro computersthe mini
Reference No:- TGS0175698

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