
minerals and vltaminsminerals and vltamins are

Minerals and vltamins

Minerals and vltamins are not a source of energy but they are necessary in many of the steps involved in the release of energy in  the cells. Thus,  they help the body to make good use of food. They protect us from illness. Minerals, such as calcium, are the basic components of bones and teeth. Iron is a component of  the red pigment of blood called haemoglobin. Minerals are important in transmission of  nerve impulses and for muscle contraction and relaxation. Vitamins and minerals are called Protective Foods. Water is a component of all body fluids such as blood, digestive juices, ete. Water accounts for about 50 to 70% of  thebody weight. It  is essential for various metabolic activities.  In fact, our body cannot utilise any substance, unless it  is first turned into a form soluble in water. Digestion converts food into a soluble form, so  that it  is readily absorbed and  is carried by  the blood  to the sites where it  is needed. The waste products like urea are carried by  the blood to the kidneys from wherediey are excreted. Water also plays a role in regulating the body temperature, through perspiration. The daily water requirkment of  the body depends on  the climate,  activity and the kind of food one - takes.

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Science: minerals and vltaminsminerals and vltamins are
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