
Millikan experiment for verification photoelectric equation

Question 1) Derive the expression for thermal conductivity from the free electron theory of metals.

Question 2)(a) Explain Bragg’s K-ray spectrometer.

(b) State and describe the laws of photoelectric emission.

Question 3)(a) Write a detailed note on coupling schemes.

(b) Describe the theory of Raman effect.

Question 4)(a) Explain the working of Wilson’s cloud chamber.

b) Deutrons in a cyclotron describe a circle of radius 0.48 m just before emerging from the dees. The alternating potential applied to the dees has a frequency of 10MHz. Compute the velocity of the deutrons.

Question 5)(a) State the laws of radioactive disintegration. Explain half-life period.

(b) Describe the gamma ray interaction with matter.

Question 6) State specific charge of an electron. Explain Thomson’s method of determination of specific charge of an electron.

Question 7) Write Einstein’s photo electric equation. Explain Millikan’s experiment for verification photoelectric equation.

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Physics: Millikan experiment for verification photoelectric equation
Reference No:- TGS07015

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