
Migration journey of the laguna pueblo

Paper details

Answer the following:

1. Silko makes a distinction between “within” and “landscape” as it relates to the human consciousness on page 27. What is this distinction? How does this idea connect with her statement, “The remains of things—animals and plants, the clay and stones—were treated with respect, because for the ancient people all these things had spirit and being”.

2. “The squash blossom itself is one thing: itself”. Explain what Silko means by this statement. Pick an object that you think has inherent power. (It can be anything.) Relate how this object is “itself” in the context of Silko’s meaning.

3. Silko writes that the migration journey of the Laguna Pueblo was accomplished by noting prominent features of the landscape. “Thus, the journey was an interior process of the imagination…”. Explain what you think she means by this?

4. According to Silko, what does communal storytelling accomplish? How does this tie in with concepts of the individual in this communal landscape?

5. What is the point of the Yupik story beginning on page 44? What does the symbol of the “ice blue bear” mean? How is it significant in the final line of the essay, “When humans have…”.

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Other Subject: Migration journey of the laguna pueblo
Reference No:- TGS01431224

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