
Microelectronics fabrication homework- write five pages

Microelectronics Fabrication Homework-

Write five pages report based on the presentation available at

FinFET is the Beginning

Chenming Hu

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ0FDQaM0Oc (It is 47 minute presentation; The Topic is FinFET is the beginning)


-You will need to use the above link and feel free to use additional external web information if required.

-Need to be based on its content, professional writing, and clarity.

-It is better to make report more clear by summarizing information and going through the technical engineering details.

-Ideas, like what are challenges? What is after FinFET? How is going to change the Microelectronics Fabrication? Where are we with it? Etc.

-Font size: 12,

-Margins for all sides: 1inch.

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Other Engineering: Microelectronics fabrication homework- write five pages
Reference No:- TGS01394253

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