
Microeconomics midterm assistance

Dear Team,

I have a midterm this week and unable to take it by myself for personal reasons. The questions cover the first 6 chapters from both books below:

1. Frank, Robert H., Microeconomics and Behavior, Eighth Edition, 2010. ISBN: 007-337-5942

2. Nicholson, Walter. And Snyder, Christopher, Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions, 11th Edition, 2011. ISBN-10: 1-111-52553-6 ISBN-13: 978-1-111-52553-8

The problem is that the exam should be take online at one-time. The more annoying issue is that it should be accessed from a local IP Boston. Nevertheless, I can solve the second part, I have a software installed and I can give access to anyone to log into my computer and take the exam on my behalf as if he is taking it on his computer. The exam will be timed and it will be 120 minutes. I am sure you have experienced similar cases before, I appreciate if you can get back to me with the cost and the details related to competing this task.

Many thanks,

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Microeconomics: Microeconomics midterm assistance
Reference No:- TGS0868905

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