
Microeconomics in reading, writing and identifing key terms

Asignment of economics­12th
microeconomics in Reading, writing and identifing key terms
chapter 1 introduction
simple economics
Allocation of available economic resources such as land ,labour, people etc., production the combination different goods and services and exchange of goods and services to satisfy the collective wants Explained in the simple economics. But an economy is much more complex.
Let us now learn the fundamental concern of the economics :
Central problem of an economy Any economic is basically based on production and consumption so scarcity of resources which leads to choice.
• What to produce and quantity
• how to produce
• by whom to produce
• and for whom it will be produced are the questions in the
Allocation of scare resources in an economics leads to combination of

different mixes of all goods and services produced in economy.
Economizing problem involve in the allocation of scare resources:
Unlimited wants: wants for goods (food, shelter, clothing etc)
limited resources are land,labour enterpreneure and so on.
Suppose wheat is produced by a farmer and if intead of some quantity of wheat farmer starts producing some sugercane then that unit of wheat farmer has to sacrifice for the prodution of sugarcane ,this is known as

the opportunity cost.

The allocation of recouces of the collection of all possible combination of

good and services produced with the available amount of recouces and

technological knowledge is called as production possiblity set of

economy and if it is dipicted on the graph it is known as prodution

possibilty curve. The allocation of resources is done to reach the

Economic efficiency in an economy.

assumptions necessary to represent production possibility curve model a

simple production possibility curve:


fixed recources

fixed technology

two products

Economic efficiency are of different type:

allocative efficiency: It measure using the concept known as Pareto


Perato optimal where no person could be made better without infilicting

harm on another.

• Perato superior where benefit recevied by one is more then harm
infilicting on another.

Technical efficiency:On a given level of output ,maximisation of cost or

for a given level of cost maximisation of output.
full employment system:when all the recouces are used to its best

outcome level is fully efficient level and fully employed.

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Macroeconomics: Microeconomics in reading, writing and identifing key terms
Reference No:- TGS0896661

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