Michael Angelo is a renowned “House Painter for the Stars.” His craft is well-known throughout Hollywood land, he is in high demand, and he has limited his work to celebrity homes valued at $2 million or more.
Sandra Aniston, a “star of the screen,” commands at least $20 million per film. Her net worth is rumored to be in excess of $100 million. Sandra has sought and secured Michael’s services to paint her new home nestled in the Hollywood land hills. When completed, Sandra’s new home will be worth an estimated $2.25 million.
Michael Angelo is extremely busy. He is currently painting three (3) homes for three (3) different movie stars: Damian Gyllenhaal, Tommy Depp, and Brad DiCaprio. He would like to have his associates, Jim Beavis and Buddy Head, perform the painting of Sandra’s house. Jim is twenty-one years old and has three (3) years of house painting experience, while Buddy is twenty-seven and has four (4) years of experience.
From a contractual standpoint, may Michael Angelo have his associates, Jim Beavis and Buddy Head, paint Sandra Aniston’s house? Would such an arrangement require Sandra Aniston’s approval?