
Mhk220882 - research methodology - non-linear kinetic

Non-linear kinetic modelling of anaerobic biodegradation of fruit and vegetable waste together with cooked oil.


A Huge amount of wastes is generated in Oman causes or disposas and dumping in the landfills, and leading to harming the atmosphere by emitting harmful gases into the air. The Sultanate of Oman has about 1.6 million tons of solid waste generated per year. An amount that will double by 2020. The landfill wastes generate huge amounts of leaches that percolates the soil and causes to pollute the groundwater. Though there are many regulatory bodies operating to control the environment

Study Report writing Guide lines

RMI Study Report should contain various chapters including Abstract. Introduction. Literature review and Methodology of the selected project title as given below. There is no limitation for the references to be added in the literature review. The students can refer text book, website and more technical papers which they found relevant to their project topic.

- Title Page: As per specified format (Obtain from Blackboard)
- Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement by the student for those from whom he/she received support for successfully carrying out the project work
- Abstract: It is the condensed version of the proposed project, which contains aim. objectives and methodology in a paragraph form. The write up should be self-contained and list of references need not be mentioned here. The abstract should occupy maximum one page. The bottom line should contain key words.
- Contents The content shall follow the abstract and indicate the page numbers of the chapters, sections, sub-sections, appendices and references. The number and titles of all the items must be clearly entered with page numbers against them.
- Nomenclature: Nomenclature will follow the' contents'. Its purpose will be to define all the symbols, abbreviations, Greek or Latin letters, superscripts etc.
- CHAPTER 1 - Introduction: Introduce the project problem; define the scope, aim and objectives of the investigations.
- CHAPTER 2 - Literature Review: Describe the literature/ theory reviewed which are relevant to the topic of the project
- CHAPTER 3 - Experimental setup and Methodology: Describe the experimental investigation and methodology proposed to be adopted to do the project work. This chapter should be detailed to give deep insights into the experimentation associated with the project.
- Scope for future work: Suggestions for future studies in the area of present research, based on the aim and objectives of the selected topic, as reflected in the literature review.
- Project Activity Bar Chart: (Format Attached): Planning of the project work for next semester (approximately 10 weeks).
- References
- Appendix I: Critical evaluation of journal papers ( minimum 5)
- Appendix II: Copies of Journal Papers evaluated.

Note: The topic identified for the project and the methodology and experimental design mentioned in the RM Study report cannot be changed in the final technical project without proper justification and approval by the panel of examiners.

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Dissertation: Mhk220882 - research methodology - non-linear kinetic
Reference No:- TGS02534451

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