
Mhk220882 - flexural and shear behavior of rc beams

Topic - Knowledge

Project delays in construction - Difficult to have previous records related to staff and construction waste from the industries.

Understanding of the issue

Is the topic already extensively investigated?

Likely problems/ Research Limitations

Topic: Flexural and shear behavior of RC beams retrofitted with externally bonded GFRP fabrics.

Aim: To study the flexural and shear in beam using Glass fiber reinforced plastic.

- To understand the effect of using GFRP in strength and stiffness of the beam.
- To study of the behavior of understrength concrete beams retrofitted withGFRP.
- To enhance the flexural and shear behavior and load carrying capacities of RC beam externally bonded with GFRP fabrics.
- To find the flexural and shear behavior of GFRP fabrics.
- To develop the long lasting and cost effective method of enhancement in retrofitting technology using GFRP fabrics.


1. Summarizing the literature review.
2. Preparing the design mix.
3. Casting of under reinforced RC beam .
4. Appling the GFRP fabrics by the bonding material Epoxy Resin .
5. Testing the understrength beam using two point method.
6. Measuring the strength, stiffness, ductility and the associated failure mode.
7. Interpretation of results.
8. Preparation of the report.


Section 1. Abstract (read the abstract and answer the following questions)
1. What is the objective of the paper?

2. What are the contributions from the authors?

3. What are the main results mentioned in the abstract?

4. Does the abstract serve as a summary of the paper, presenting the objective, scope and results?

Section 2: Introduction (read this section and answers the following questions)

1. What ‘research problem' is discussed in the paper?
2. What rationale is given by the authors, attributing importance to the research problem?
3. How many earlier works are cited by the authors and what are the perceived drawbacks of these earlier works?
4. How and why the authors claim to have a better technique or approach?

Section 3: Methodology

1. What methodology is used by the authors to address the research problem?
2. In what way the methodology used by the authors is relevant to the methodology you proposed to adopt?

Section 4: Results and Conclusions

1. List the results obtained by the authors.
2. What are the conclusions drawn by the authors from the study.

Write a critical analysis of the paper (about 200 words)

Research Activities

Activity 1: A technical paper related to the area of the student's topic (masking the details which will reveal the identification of the paper) will be given to the student by his/her RM Supervisor and the student will be required to write a Critical Analysis and an Abstract based on the scientific information available in the paper.

Critical Analysis

With the introduction to the topic, students are expected to critically analyze the literature part that contains key findings of previous authors, methodology adopted in given paper and parameters used for analysis and analyze the results obtained (from graphs / tables) and important conclusions derived based on the result. Each topic has to be presented separately in the form of paragraphs and the word count for this part shall be 500 to 750.


The Abstract must contain description of the topic, important applications of the topic, brief description about previous literature presented in the paper, methodology adopted by the author, important results obtained and conclusions derived from the results. The word count is limited to 250.

Activity 2: Visit the Library & Resource Centre, e-brary and Internet sites and look for the literature like books, e-books, journal/conference papers, reports, articles, videos etc., (preferably) related to the project topic or area. For this literature found, write the in-text citation and prepare the reference in CCE-Harvard referencing style.

There must be: 2 Library books or E-library books, 5 Journal or Conference Papers/Reports or Magazine Articles etc., 2 Web based resource like websites, electronic report, videos etc. and 1 Image in Book

Study Report

RMl Study Report should contain various chapters including Abstract, Introduction, Literature review and Methodology of the selected project title as given below. There is no limitation for the references to be added in the literature review. The students can refer text book, website and more technical papers which they found relevant to their project topic.

- Title Page: As per specified format (Obtain from Blackboard)
- Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement by the student for those from whom he/she received support for successfully carrying out the project work

- Abstract: It is the condensed version of the proposed project, which contains aim, objectives and methodology in a paragraph form. The write up should be self-contained and list of references need not be mentioned here. The abstract should occupy maximum one page. The bottom line should contain key words.
- Contents The content shall follow the abstract and indicate the page numbers of the chapters, sections, sub-sections, appendices and references. The number and titles of all the items must be clearly entered with page numbers against them.
- Nomenclature: Nomenclature will follow the' contents'. Its purpose will be to define all the symbols, abbreviations, Greek or Latin letters, superscripts etc.

1. Characterization of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composite Prepared by Hand Layup Method by Abdullah Al Mahmood, Abdul Mobin, Rezwon Morshed, Tasmia Zaman


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