
Mhh706611 process equipment maintenance assignment -

Process Equipment Maintenance Assignment - Preparation of Maintenance plan

Aim - To develop knowledge and skills on preparing maintenance plan based on strategies, reliability, maintainability and availability concepts and inspection schedule development.

Objective - To make students learn the concept of developing maintenance plan methodology involved in planning the maintenance of machinery based on performance or time based maintenance plan strategies.

A. Knowledge and understanding of the topic

1. Demonstrate knowledge of acquisition of information

2. Demonstrate appropriate application of module knowledge

3. Demonstrate wider reading and comprehension of topic        

B. Application and analysis of the topic (Module specific Skill)

1. Critically analyze the functions of planned preventive maintenance and develop necessary plan and schedule and control of preventive maintenance activities.

2. Evaluate and allocate responsibilities of maintenance tasks between plant operator and maintenance personnel according to the maintenance plan.

3. Evaluate and apply mathematical models for optimum preventive maintenance and inspection schedule.

4. Evaluate reliability of equipment maintenance.

C. The structure in terms of logic and coherence

Submissions should have a clear start and a clear end. Information within submissions should also be logical and well grouped. Report structure, Abstract, Introduction & Referencing, Result Analysis, and Conclusion & Future works.

D. The use of relevant work examples and/or examples gained from further reading

This coursework is an interesting and important part of study as it is proven that application of Process Equipment Maintenance (PEM) techniques to maintenance of equipment. It is suggested to read through some literatures especially those listed below and make a fair attempt to solve the questions.

Course Work Description:

Planned maintenance has to begin with a plan in mind. Developing preventive maintenance tasks or procedures for plant or facility without a solid plan will result in inconsistent and unreliable procedures. Because it is important to document the development process, build-in consistency, and develop a good understanding of expected results, the Equipment Maintenance Plan is a powerful tool.

(Reference: https://www.lce.com/Developing-Equipment-Maintenance-Plans-1113.html).

Each student is required to prepare a maintenance plan for a process industry based on minimum10 working stations while keeping in view the following task:

1. A descriptive title for each maintenance task to be performed

2. A frequency assigned for performing of each task

3. Assignment of a specific craft or workgroup and the number of each craft or workgroup required to perform the task

4. Equipment condition required for performance of the task (i.e. running or shut down)

5. Type of Work - Preventive Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance, Corrective Maintenance etc.

6. Procedure number - Unique identifier for the task, or file name if linked to another document that gives the individual task instructions

7. Estimated time to perform the task

8. Special tools, materials and equipment required to perform the task

Task Expected to complete:

Based on the maintenance plan, prepare a brief report, outlining:

1. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE - (Introduction to the maintenance plan problem and its detailed explanation)

2. SCOPE, VALUE AND FEASIBILITY - (The scope of the plan and its importance to feasibility study)

3. CRITICAL ANALYSIS ON MAINTENACE PLAN - (Design methodology and approach according to the estimated time based on equipment condition and type of work)

4. DATA ANALYSIS OF THE PLAN - (Application of relevant data, other data interpretations, graphs, activity flow charts, Gantt charts etc.)

5. CONCLUSION - (The conclusion based on the plan, future work identification and student recommendation for alternate methods)

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