
Mgt4a1 introduction to global management assignment spring

Introduction to Global Management Assignment-

Presentation requirements

The individual assignment comprises 50% of your Total Module Mark.

Your presentation will be marked both on the structure and format, and on the findings. Marks will be determined by your ability to:

• understand and interpret the questions
• apply information learnt during the semester
• research information and use it to answer the questions
• express information and arguments in a logical and well-structured manner
• answers that clearly link the theoretical model with the actual practice of the company
• give a professional presentation using technology

The assignment

Using the Vodafone's 2015 annual report as the basis of you information, answer questions A, B and C.

A. This question is compulsory, you must answer this question

Referring to Vodafone's strategic review (page 14-37) in the 2015 Annual Report, identify the management skills that the board of directors and senior management of Vodafone need to implement their group business strategy and meet their group business goals.

B. Choose ONE of the following questions-

I. In page 28 of the annual report it says- ‘'Our people are behind every aspect of our strategy so it is important that we attract, develop and retain exceptional people so we can always deliver the best experience for our customers.'' Identify activities that Vodafone has undertaken to engage and retain their employees and evaluate how effective is their people strategy.

II. Warren Finegold, the Group Strategy and Business Development Director of Vodafoneis a British citizen, what cultural issues could he expect to encounter when developing the business in Morocco and Indonesia.

III. In page 13 of the annual report it is mentioned that ‘'The pace of change in the telecommunication industry is expected to remain significant,the demand for data is accelerating, there is an ongoing shift towardsfixed and mobile bundles, networks are improving and the marketenvironment is becoming more positive".Explaining the purpose of conducting a Field Force Analysis, conduct a FFA for Vodafone in relation to the current business environmentof ongoing shift towardsfixed and mobile bundles.

B. This question is compulsory, you must answer this question

Make a management related recommendation for the improvement of Vodafone's global presence.

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Management Theories: Mgt4a1 introduction to global management assignment spring
Reference No:- TGS01388777

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