
Mgt105 business communication - write a narrative using

Learning outcome:

Learning outcome: Identify theoretical approaches for team building and provide examples of a relevant team building approach in a selected context.

Learning outcome: Develop goals and team/group processes to achieve objectives and justify the approach with reference to business communication theories and models.


In this assignment you get to choose your scenario - you can write a team building plan for A. Your own working environment (if you are currently working in a team you might find this option more relevant and even be able to use some of your learning) ... or

B. You are a manager of a small marketing business unit in a local tertiary institute. The scenario for option B is a follows:

Your chosen organisation has had a change of direction and senior management are on a crusade to grow team effectiveness. You have been away on a management team building workshop but this was focussed on developing the managers as a team.

Your manager is now talking to you about how you might develop your own team.

LUCKILY you have been studying a Business Communication paper which has given you some great ideas on how to plan a team building programme.

PART 1. You are required to design a team building programme.

Apply the six steps suggested by Dyer (1994). You should describe the goals and the approach you will take to each. Remember that this is a plan of what you intend to do, it should act as a guide and help your team to understand what the team building programme will entail.

Your plan should also include a planning schedule/timetable to give an overall perspective on the roll out of the programme.

Your plan does not have a word limit but keep in mind it should be a working document for your manager, and most importantly for you and your team (so don't be too wordy). This part of the assignment is not an essay or a report, it is a plan - so spend some time thinking about how you will structure it.

PART 2: Write a narrative using academic sources and relevant theory to justify how your plan reflects business communication theories and models.

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Business Management: Mgt105 business communication - write a narrative using
Reference No:- TGS02923735

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