Introduction to Business Operations
Learning outcome: Discuss the effects of different conflict management styles
Word count: 1500-2000 words excluding your referencing.
Knowing your conflict style can help you understand the advantages and disadvantages in building relationships, working with colleagues, manging subordinates etc. The self-assessment will also help you understand different options/approaches you can take to prevent, avoid or to deal with conflict more effectively.
For this Assignment your tasks are:
- To identify your conflict management style using at least one assessment tool
- To write a self-reflective section on your conflict management style based on the results
- To discuss advantages and disadvantages your style
- To identify additional skills you need to develop
- To describe the importance of acquiring these skills in the context of managing conflict and its outcomes
Your report should include:
- An Introduction
- A self-reflective section on your Conflict Management Style and additional skills required to be developed
- A section on importance of managing conflict, different approaches and its outcomes
- Conclusion (key learnings of this assessment)
- A list of References