
Mgmt20144-management and business context-ability to

Topic is about origin energy (needed powerpoint and essay)

Assessment Title Written Assessment - Essay

Part -1:

Task Description

This is an individual assessment task in which students will examine critical issues related to business and management context. The objective is to gain greater understanding of the contextual factors internal to a business that impact on a business or organisation and its business decision making.

The format of the assessment is an essay of 1500 words.

Assessment Criteria

Students are to demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter by:

Defining key terms and utilising the theories and concepts presented in weeks 1-5

Ability to explain major domestic and international contextual factors and how they affect business structures and strategy

Demonstrating a breadth and quality of research by using a minimum of 12 academic sources Correctly using of the APA in text referencing system to correctly citing academic sources

These are the minimum requirements. Students should note that satisfactorily meeting the minimum requirements will typically result in the minimum pass grade being awarded.

As Masters students you are required to engage in research as per the Australia Quality Framework (AQF) guidelines. Two specific requirements need to be considered. 1. Students need to demonstrate "a body of knowledge that includes the understanding of recent developments in a discipline and/or area of professional practice, and 2. Students must demonstrate "knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to a field of work and/or learning".

Each unit in the MBA has a number of required weekly readings in terms of academic texts, journals and business publications that represent the appropriate body of knowledge and recent developments referred to by the AQF. In order to demonstrate the ability to engage in appropriate research, students should read and utilise these texts and journals and publications. As Masters students you are expected to research beyond this minimum standard through additional texts, journals and studies to demonstrate an ability to engage in independent research.

1. Analyse the range of environmental forces, organisational structures, functions, governance and legal requirements of firms and the impact on the business context

2. Discuss the contemporary issues impacting organisations including risk, innovation, knowledge management, e-commerce and the impact on the business context

4. Diagnose and discuss the impact of regionalisation and globalisation on business contexts

Part -2:

Task Description

This is an individual assessment that extends on the first assignment. Taking the perspective of the organisation examined in assignment one students are to select one of the following:
1. Governance

2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship

3. Knowledge Management and eCommerce

Students are to provide an overview of the chosen area and assess how it would be utlised by the organisation as a means of enhancing business practice.

Students are to refer to the Moodle site for further details

Part -3:

Task Description

Students will form groups and will be allocated an organisation by their lecturer.

The group will utilise the content of the unit addressed in weeks 1-5 to classify the nature of the firm and the key contextual factors.
Students are then to select one of the following factors to be the primary focus of their presentation and report:

1. Regional Economic Issues
2. Globalisation
3. Cross Cultural Management.

Groups are to assess the impact of the chosen contextual factor, identify the critical issues and generate a series of appropriate recommendations that will enhance organisational performance.

Students must to refer to the Moodle site for the requirements for each of the specific context chosen.

This is a group task that requires a formal presentation in class, to be delivered in week 12. Each Group will have 20 minutes (plus time for questions) to present their findings using appropriate support materials. Students should adopt the perspective of a group of professional consultants providing strategic advice to the CEO or Board of Directors of the firm.

In addition, an Executive Business Report (of no more than 2000 words) is to be submitted, which summarises key literature, issues, identified problems and recommendations.

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Dissertation: Mgmt20144-management and business context-ability to
Reference No:- TGS02261125

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