
Mgmt20144 - management and business context - cquniversity

Choosing journal articles

Your task is to compile an annotated bibliography of five recent (2014-2018) peer reviewed journal articles from the list of journals provided.
You cannot use articles from any other journals and you cannot use the journal articles that are on the unit Moodle site.

You must include the doi for each journal article in the reference list.

The articles must come from these journals

Academy of Management Journal
Administrative Science Quarterly
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Australian Journal of Management
British Journal of Management
California Management Review
Harvard Business Review
International Journal of Management Reviews
International Small Business Journal
Journal of International Management
Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of Management
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of Small Business Management
Management and Organization Review
Organization Studies
Strategic Management Journal

Task 1

Identify five (5) journal articles that match the first five topics of this unit.
That is, you must find one journal article per topic:
Organisational structures or governance,
Environmental forces,
Risks confronting the firm,
Organisation and business practices, and
The functions of diverse firms.
You should search the library databases via the online ‘advanced search' function of the CQUniversity library. By choosing the ‘advanced search' function you can select the actual journal you wish to search.

Task 2 & 3

Write a short 150 word introduction discussing why the contextual factors are important to organisational decision making. The introduction is 150 words in total not 150 words per article.

Write approximately 250 words per journal article that:
Defines the main contextual factor being discussed in the journal article,
Discusses the new findings in relation to the contextual factor, and Highlights what these findings mean for managers in organisations.

Task 4 & 5

Write a short 200 word conclusion recommending one specific contextual factor as most important to CQUniversity's organisational performance. Explain your reasoning.
Write a reference list correctly:
It must use the APA referencing style
Each reference appears before each annotated bibliography
It has a hanging indentation

There are specific fonts and formatting that must be used:

Derouiche, I., Hassan, M., & Amdouni, S. (2018). Ownership structure and investment-cash flow sensitivity. Journal of Management & Governance, 22(1), 31-54. DOI: 10.1007/s10997-017-9380-x

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