Title: Ethical issues in construction industry of India
Examining Ethical Issues in Business
Task Description
This assessment task is designed to assist students to examine a range of ethical issues and to apply ethical theories asmeans of arriving at a justifiable decision. Students will have the opportunity to examine international business ethicsissues, specifically related to corruption, bribery and practice using ethical concepts and theories.
A detailed rubric and an audio file are available on the Moodle site that provides further details regarding this assessment.
Table of Content:
1. Introduction: Reason/Rationale:
2. Personal Career-relevance
3. Key Ethical scenario Description:
4. Applied Theories:
a. Deontology
b. Utilitarian
c. Relativism
d. Reality seen through:
i. Ontology(Existence/Being)
ii. Epistemology( Understanding/Functions)
5. Key body of Arguments
6. Examples
7. Conclusion
8. References & Bibliography: Harvard System(*on portal)
9. Appendices: Statics, tables, figures, pictures, you tube etc