
Mgmt1120 course project instructions identify the problem

Project Instructions -

You will be completing Parts 1 through 4 in small groups and submitting a written report. The report will include an introduction, a conclusion, and headings for each of the (4) parts. One report will be submitted for each group.

Your group will act as consultants to the organization presented in the case. To help this organization, you will 1) identify the major problem/decision facing the organization, 2) complete internal and external analyses that you have learned in the course to make sure you understand and can apply important information from the case that relates to solving this problem, 3) identify three feasible alternatives to solving the problem/decision, 4) recommend ONE solution to the organization, including an action containing specific steps to completion.

THEN at the conclusion of the project, each student will submit his or her own individual reflection for Part 5, on the same day that the group project is due.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of each of the parts:

Part 1: Identify the problem that management needs to solve. What priority decision needs to be made? Make sure you describe the nature of the problem and why it is important; i.e., what impact will this decision have on the organization and other stakeholders?

Part 2: Perform some analyses to help you determine what factors are important for management to consider in making this decision:

a. SWOT analysis

b. CREST analysis

c. Porter's 5-Force Analysis

d. Stakeholder analysis

For each of these analyses, present the analyses (use a table or lists if this helps to make the information more clear). Then, write a brief paragraph after each analysis summarizing the highlights of that analysis that you think are most relevant to this decision. You will need more information about this particular industry or about environmental factors, so you will have to do some research. You will need at least 3 credible sources (Wikipedia and the Dictionary do not count as sources.)

Part 3: Based on your analyses, identify 3 (three) possible decisions you might make. In other words, what are three reasonable alternatives that management might choose to pursue to help solve your stated organizational problem. (Don't forget to consult Chapter 7 as you consider strategic options.)

For each of these three options, identify what you perceive to be the pros and cons of pursuing that particular alternative. Use the information you discovered in your analyses and course concepts to guide you, and try to list as many as you can think of. Resist the urge to make a decision too soon!!! Try to remain objective as you consider each alternative.

Part 4: Decide which is the best option for the organization and create an action plan for that option. Do you believe this is the best option for the organization (defend your choice)? Your defense will be supported by your key findings in your case analysis section. This is the linkage between analysis of an organizational problem and its solution!

Develop a step-by-step action plan to carry out your decision. Your action plan should include specific steps for each of the four management functions: Planning, Leading, Organizing, and Controlling. You will want to make sure that the organization will be able to measure results and evaluate how the plan is working down the road.

Part 5: Self Reflection Report and Self/Peer Evaluation (individual submissions)

A: Self Reflection Report: Reflect on and answer the following questions regarding this course project:

1. As you did the actual work of the project, what did you discover about the plan you created at the beginning of the project?

a. What did you plan for effectively?

b. What did you miss in your planning process?

c. If you could start over again, how would your project plan be different?

2. What were your strengths as an individual team member? What were your weaknesses?

3. How did your group handle situations that were "unplanned"? Was your group teamwork effective or ineffective, and why? How would you assess your individual contribution to the sense of team?

4. Did you meet your group objectives for this project (in the absence of knowing your final grade)? Did you meet your personal objectives? Did you meet your planned targets?

5. Identify and discuss any other observations or learning from this project that you can apply to the next time you are on a project team.

B: Self and Peer Assessments

1. Complete a self- and peer-assessment. Do not forget to include an explanation for your ratings. Use evaluation form titled "Self and Peer Evaluation Form" in the Course Project Documents and Instructions section on Moodle.

2. The self/peer assessment evaluation MUST be handed in with your Reflection Report via MOODLE DROP BOX on or before the due date. A student who does not submit a Self/Peer evaluation will be assessed a 10% penalty on their case project grade.  In addition the instructor will apply their own observations throughout the term in combination with the student evaluations on individual student performance; these observations may impact the individual student grade on the case project.

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Management Theories: Mgmt1120 course project instructions identify the problem
Reference No:- TGS02223236

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