
Mgmt 6360 pom calculate es ef ls lf and slack for all

1. A student wants to schedule a project using PERT. She has determined the following activities, precedence relationships and time estimates in days for the project.

TIME estimateExpTimeVariance

Act      to         tm         tp         te           Vt                  

a          4          6          7          5.83      0.250 

b          1          2          3          2.00      0.111 

c          5          5          5          5.00      0.000 

d          7          9          12         9.17      0.694

e          2          4          8          4.33      1.000

f           6          9          10         8.67      0.444

a) Name all potential paths and their path durations.

b) Calculate ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack for all activities.

c) How many days can activity "e" be delayed without extending project duration?


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Operation Management: Mgmt 6360 pom calculate es ef ls lf and slack for all
Reference No:- TGS01696443

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