
Mgmt 361 contact the person you have selected and make an

Department of Business Administration



The purpose of this project is to provide you with an opportunity to interview an excellent leader. Please choose someone who has a reputation as an effective leader.

STEP I. Contact the person you have selected and make an appointment that suits his or her convenience. Be sure to explain why you want the appointment and give a realistic estimate of how much time you will need. The interview should take about 20-30 minutes, depending on how talkative the person is.

STEP 2. During the interview, explain that you have 8 questions to ask-you can give them the questions on a sheet of paper if you wish-so they know what to expect. Take notes on their answers.

1. How would you describe a typical day at work for you?

2. Can you tell me about an effective leadership experience you had, a time when you felt like you'd done a very good job as a leader?
(You may need to ask other prompt questions to get the full story.)

3. What factors made this a success story (i.e., why did it work out so well)?

4. What is the most challenging part of being a leader?

5. How would your subordinates describe your leadership style?

6. How do you make decisions?

7. Do you have any suggestions about how to use power at work?

8. What advice would you give to someone who wants to become an effective leader? Please ask for a business card to attach to your report and provide you with the address for your thank-you note.

STEP 3. Write your interviewee a thank-you note within a week's time.

STEP 4. Write your report, consisting of these components.

a. Interview content. Give the leader's name and title. Type up the interview questions followed by the interviewee's answers as best you can remember them.

b. Analysis. Include your observations and analysis of the person's leadership style. Use these leadership concepts to help you describe this person's leadership style and determine what makes it effective. You will be graded on your mastery and application of the Part 3 concepts.

c. Personal reaction and application

Did anything surprise you during the interview? What was confirmed for you about how leaders function? What new insights emerged for you from this interview?

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Dissertation: Mgmt 361 contact the person you have selected and make an
Reference No:- TGS02217231

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