
Methods to apply total quality management


"Shewhart Statistical Process Control (SPC) systems are applied in high-volume and repetitive manufacturing systems. The Shewhart SPC methodology is directed at signaling special causes of variation generated during a production run. Such signals are detected using control limits constructed on the basis of within-subgroup variability, measured after the process has been set up, adjusted, and brought into statistical control. In other words, "the process" to be monitored is that which exists after setup and adjustment. However, in a short-run production that is characterized by frequent setups of small production runs, SPC must be applied differently. SPC must incorporate a broader definition of the process, which recognizes ongoing volatility in the sequences of setups and production runs." (Kim and Schneiderjans, 2010).

SPC will allow an organization to become more efficient in their business practices (i.e. improved productivity and an increased level of performance measures). SPC will enable managers to make informed business decisions and develop comprehensive solutions that are otherwise unattainable from organizations who do not utilize SPC. SPC will enhance an organizations ability to transform and adjust to a rapidly changing marketplace. An organization's methods to apply Total Quality Management (TQM) only reiterates their need for implementing SPC. According to Ronald D. Snee (2010), there are three levels of activity such as:

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Accounting Basics: Methods to apply total quality management
Reference No:- TGS01939496

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