
Methods the cyber criminals used to commit their crime

Take the cyber crime that you found for assignment.2. List methods the cyber criminals used to commit their crime and list methods that could have been used to either stop them or to catch them sooner.

Complete a 5 to 7 page paper using APA style formatting.

1. Assignment:

Reality Leigh Winner is. maybe was a contractor for the federal government. She worked as an administration personnel in Georgia. Winner was arrested in June 2017, she was charged for turning over secret documents to a news organization. The documents were about Russian military intelligence penetrated one U.S election supplier and targeted more than 100 local election officials just weeks before last year's election. She is the first alleged leaker by the Trump administration.

Documents dated May 5, there was a review from the printing log which showed six people printed out the documents and Winner was one of them. In addition, her work computer showed that she had emailed a news organization. When the arresting authority arrived at her home, Winner admitted to taking the reports home and mailing it to the news. This admittance to this crime would be considered violating the Espionage Act.

Winner's attorney Titus Nichols, told the Associated Press that he declines to answer anything about the accused of leaking any sensitive reports. He also proclaims that she is a very good person and has never gotten in trouble or having a behavior pattern.

Any attacks targeting the US or the elections were denied by the Russian President Vladimir Putin. If so, any actions were not on his command and might be "patriotic" Russian freelancers.

Trump is furious about the correspondence leaks to Russia and the lack of effort.

1 "The FBI is totally unable to stop the national security 'leakers' that have permeated our government for a long time," he tweeted in February.

2 Classified information is being given to media that could have a devastating effect on U.S.



2. Assignment: Methods to stop different cybercrimes.

The aspect of cybercrime has become so rampant in the very corner of the world. Yes, we have first of all to accept that technology evolves even in the criminology area where the always look for new ways and means to maneuver over an improved technology to prevent cyber crimes in this case (Gupta, 2016). Therefore, there are various steps that can be implemented and prevent the level of cyber crimes in the society if at all they will not bring the action to an end forever because as we have said the cyber criminals also have their own means to crack the new strategies taken to prevent the act. Such methods include the following:

The first method is education. By this, I mean enlightening the people and also oneself of the various scam types that exist and also the various ways to avert them. One should always update and keep him or herself up to the date of for example phishing attempts and therefore keep alert of such cases that may occur and always avoid them in case one comes across them (DeAngelis &Sarat, 2017). Phishing, in this case, is used to many the case where you get to be lured by the hackers with an intention of getting your personal information through their pretense of being the actual legitimate personnel or an organization that does exist and most prominent ones.

The other method that I would like to talk about is making use of the firewall. The firewall will act as a monitor of the traffic that exists between your computers or in this case the network and the internet, therefore, serving as a very great first line of defending your connection and therefore keeping any intruder out. Basically, it is always advisable to use that firewall that comes with the router that you get to use (Jaishankar, 2015). Through the firewall, therefore, you will be able to keep the intruders who are the cybercriminals in this case.

The other method that is mostly accompanied with the keenness of an individual is through always avoiding clicking on some of the links that one does not recognize or those that one has no an idea of their whereabouts. The links used by the cybercriminals may take the user to a precise website whereby they ask the user to give out his or her personal details and if not careful the user gives in the data and therefore becomes a victim of cybercrime (DeAngelis & Davidson, Cyber crimes, 2016). Also, the user may be prompted to download malware software into their computers and therefore have their personal information compromised.

Also, it is always important to surf in a safe and keen manner. This is through avoiding some very phony websites that will always at the end ask for your personal information, for example, the email address and the password that may be captured at your back end. Always it is advised to make use of the search engines because they are the right ones to direct you to the correct website. Addition, they will always correct the misspelling mistakes and therefore this prevents you from getting into fake websites (DeAngelis & Davidson, Cyber crimes, 2016). You may also make use of such software like MacAfee, Site Advisor that will help you navigate.

One is also required to make use of a comprehensive security software and keep the system up to date. This is because the cyber criminals have various ways and means that they can be able to access your information from your computer. Hence you need always to make use of a current well-updated software that will protect you from the cyber criminals in all the angles that they might try to attack. Avoid use of the old software that might be having a lot of loopholes that the cyber criminals can be able to maneuver through and get you (Gupta, 2016).

Always it is also important to make sure that the wireless network that you use is protected this to avoid the hackers who are capable to tracking and hacking data in transit in case you are using a network that is not protected (Gupta, 2016). Therefore, use a software that encrypts your data while in transit in a way that the hackers cannot be able to decode the data.

Another way is to make use of a strong password is to avoid having a short password that for example, your birthdays, pet names and so forth. This makes passwords way too easy for the hackers. It is good to create long passwords that utilized the mixture of characters that consist of numbers, letters and special characters like @, #, %, to avoid the easy decoding by the hackers. (Jaishankar, 2015).

Always be suspicious of such instances of having your information compromised. Take notice of very suspicious emails, screen prompts and so forth of when you click or follow the links will lead to your personal information being compromised by the hackers.

Final but not least is the use of common sense. That is adhered and listen to the warnings of the increased cyber crimes and therefore avoid the various common mistakes, for example, responding to spam emails and downloads of attachments that you're not aware of the sources (DeAngelis &Sarat, Cyber crimes, 2017). Also, it is important to make sure that you don't share your personal information on the internet, don't post or give your credentials blindly or willing. With all these and many others that I might have left out, cyber crimes can be controlled to a great degree.


DeAngelis, G., & Davidson, R. (2016). Cyber crimes. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind.

DeAngelis, G., &Sarat, A. (2017). Cyber crimes. Philadelphia, Pa: Chelsea House Publishers.

Gupta, M. S. (2016). Cyber crimes by Mohan Sen Gupta. New Delhi: Centrum Press.

Jaishankar, K. (2015). Cyber Criminology: Exploring Internet crimes. by K Jaishankar. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

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