
Methods-procedures for collection of data


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Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes of both married couples and single persons toward the best ways to build a committed relationship. This study will also provides an enrichment opportunity and resources that strengthen both married couples and single person relationships, enhance personal growth, and help build mutual fulfillment.

Research Question

Use the Statement of Purpose from the Introduction. You will be phrasing your problem as a Research Question. Good research questions should be stated in a clear, unambiguous manner to imply the possibility of its solution through research. While the research question asks how variables are related to one another, a hypothesis provides a tentative answer to such a question and a more specific guide for research.

Methods: Procedures for Collection of Data

The research plan can involve either individuals or groups as the unit of analysis, but the aspects of design should be chosen so as to maximize the strength of your study. State clearly and fully the methods to be used in gathering data to test your hypotheses and/or to answer the questions posed above.

Methods: Procedures for Collection of Data. In this section of the paper you will outline a plan for conducting research of the topic. Although you will not be actually conducting the study, the best advice is to plan in such detail that another equally competent researcher could pick up the proposal and replicate the study. The research plan needs to individuals and groups as the unit of analysis, but the aspects of design should be chosen so as to maximize the strength of the study. State clearly and fully the methods to be used in gathering data to test the questions posed above.

a. Sample. The reader will want to know demographic information about the population from which the sample would be selected. Details of how the sample would be selected should also be explained here. This subsection should answer these questions: 1) what is the source of the sample (the population from which the sample would be selected); 2) how would the sample be selected; 3) why was this sample selected; 4) what are the characteristics of the sample. The sample information should include the number of respondents, the nature of the respondents, specifically any demographic information such as age, gender, etc.

b. Procedures for Data Collection. It is necessary in this section to describe the chosen design and data collection procedures. If an experimental design is chosen, explain both the experimental process and the controls which would be applied. Study Design. This section consists of a chronological list of the steps that would be used in conducting the study. It should be as detailed as possible to include time estimates where applicable.

c. Data Analysis. What will be done after the data is collected? The statistical methods you would use to analyze your data are outlined in this section. If the techniques or measurement procedures are unusual, describe them in detail. For non-statistical methods of analysis, describe the qualitative factors you will be using.

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Basic Statistics: Methods-procedures for collection of data
Reference No:- TGS01894133

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