
Methods of producing electricity leads to emissions

Carbon dioxide footprint:

– Even so-called “carbon-free” methods of producing electricity leads to emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Emissions can arise for example in connection with the extraction of raw materials, transport, industrial processes or demolition.

Instructions (you have to cover every single instruction):

Compare different studies done on greenhouse gas emissions related to electricity production. Describe the main sources of emissions associated with solar, wind, nuclear and hydro power. Discuss especially the large differences in the values reported for solar and nuclear power. What causes these differences? How do you assess the quality and reliability of the various studies?

The essay have to consist of:

1) A short summary (6-7 lines) describing what we have done, how we did it, describe the most important conclusion we found and why we think it is the most important.

2) An introduction (maximum 1 page) consisting of:

– giving the reader a context, i.e. a background as to why the problem discussed in the report is essential, It shall briefly tell us why the work is needed.

– it shall outline the shortcomings of existing data, analysis or explanation models, and how it intends to remedy these shortcomings.

– It must contain a hypothesis or a purpose

– It shall give the reader a table of contents in the form of continuous text, so that he/she may skip ahead to the section of the report he/she is interested in.

3) A body/method consisting of:

- The description of how we proceeded to investigate our hypothesis, or to substantiate the purpose of the report.

- A literature study where we describe how and why we made our choice of sources.

- It should consist of 2-3 pages.

4) A result:

- Description of the results in detailed shape

- We have to present to the reader the similarities and differences between the data and information collected from various sources.

- Feel free to use figures and tables. The essay should then refer in general to these figures and tables, but don’t forget to outline the particularly important results in the essay.

- This should consist of 1-3 pages.

5) A Discussion/Summary/Conclusion/Analysis:

-Discusses and analyse your results from the following perspectives: Does this essay supports your hypothesis/aim of the work?

-Does it bring new knowledge?

-Which impact could the result of our work have on the world?

-Maximum one page!

6) Bibliography in alphabetic order

Do not use footnotes!
Write in a “we” form. For example : we did, we found, we searched.
Copying a text is prohibited.
Few sentences may be quoted if the quotation marks are used, such as Lindblad claims that “heat losses are small” [17].
M reference to the sources!


The report will be graded according to five criteria:

1) Project approach and strategy for its implementation,

2) Data collection

3) Analysis and conclusions

4) Source management

5) Language and design

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Other Subject: Methods of producing electricity leads to emissions
Reference No:- TGS01434601

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