
Methods of evaluating the campaign and measuring its success

Assessment task: Campaign for a new product or service

Word count or equivalent: 3,000 words minimum (excludes appendices, footnotes, and references.

Assessment (A3) brief:

Working in pairs, you are a corporate communications consulting team and you have been commissioned by a multinational corporation to conceptualise and develop a global campaign (at least three different countries) for a new product or service. Your proposal will include

- Identification of the geographic market targeted by the campaign
- A profile of the market and publics
- Intercultural communication perspectives
- Objectives for the campaign
- Key messages for the campaign
- Timeframe and milestones
- Media to be used
- Methods of evaluating the campaign and measuring its success
- Relevant theoretical and conceptual frameworks

Timing of feedback: Immediate tutor and peer feedback after each presentation.

Total group mark (provisional), as per University guidelines.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Microeconomics: Methods of evaluating the campaign and measuring its success
Reference No:- TGS01817397

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