
methods of dealing with foreign exchange risksa


A firm can deal with foreign exchange risks in the following ways:

1) Taking Risk: The firm may decide to bear the risk if the foreign currency depreciates or appreciates and pocket the gain resulting therefrom. Bigger firms having both imports and exports can match the losses and gains on exports with gains or losses on imports.

Matching will ultimately minimise the losses and gain if any. Matching is easier in a large diversified firm than in a firm dealing in one product only. Large trading houses and export houses as also STC and MMTC can do it easily. An important point to be mentioned here is that losses and gains due to exchange fluctuations are taken into account for tax purposes. Thus assuming that the rate of tax is 50 per cent, the impact of losses due to exchange fluctuations, if any is reduced to 50 per cent only.

2) Using a Hedging Clause: The exporter can use a hedging clause in the contract with the customer/supplier providing for a revision of price in the event of a significant change. This will tend to protect both parties as movement in exchange rates may both be the upwards and downwards. While you protect yourself against a loss, you lose the possibility of making a profit. However, the customer/supplier may not agree for such a clause in short-term agreement. But it is more easily possible in long-term contracts.

3) Entering into Forward Contract: Forward contracts are deals between two parties who enters into the contract for buying or selling of the foreign currency at a future date. The firm can enter into a forward contract with his banker. If it is an importer, it can purchase foreign currency to be delivered in future (forward purchase). If it is an exporter, it can sell foreign currency to be delivered in future (forward sale). This will ensure that the firm receives or pays a certain amount of rupees respective of changes in the value of foreign currency involved.

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Marketing Management: methods of dealing with foreign exchange risksa
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