
Methods and techniques of fire


In most case, the outbreak of fire demand professional fire services with necessary expertise of extinguishing major fires and ensure life safety.

However, impassable roads, weather conditions, and inadequate resources such as water supply curtail the mobility of such professional fire services. In this context, (Department of Veterans Affairs, 2011) provide that the possession of basic fire suppression tips in terms of causal agents and strategies to prevent further spread of fires becomes pertinent and relevant.
Suppression agent strategies, methods and techniques of fire extinguishment

Fire suppression strategy denotes to the assessment of firefighting resources as well as determining the next course of action. It is used to hinder and control fire from spreading into other places within and outside the premises.

During this exercise,(Friedman, 2009) wrote thatone can decide to use fire extinguisher abbreviated by P.A.S.S method that involve pulling, squeezing, aiming and sweeping become important to get rid of the risks associated with fire outbreak.These techniques require safety measures like wearing helmets, having a backup team and use correct approached in smoke-filled places.

According to the (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2012), there are many agents that can be applied together with strategies in order to curtail the behavior of fire. They include water and Inert gas that is effective in class A type of fires, foams and wetting do well in class C and B fires. On the other hand, halogenated, dry powder and dry chemical agents are nontoxic, rich in sodium bicarbonate base and multipurpose making them perfect to combat or control class A, B or C fires.

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Chemistry: Methods and techniques of fire
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