
Methodology in your answer elaborate on the following

Answer the following parts.

1. Research question/topic. In your answer elaborate on the following points:? What is the field or area of economics to which this article belongs?? What is the main research question of the article?? What is the importance of the research question, and why do we careabout this topic?

2. Methodology. In your answer elaborate on the following points:? What methodology do the authors use in order to answer the researchquestion?? Describe in words the kind of theory/model used, with emphasis on theeconomic mechanism.? Briefly discuss the data used, if any.

3. Results/findings. In your answer elaborate on the following points:? Clearly describe the main findings/results of the article.? What are the authors' conclusions based on these results?? What are the economic implication of the findings?

4. Evaluation and future work. In your answer elaborate on the following points:? What is the main contribution of the article?? What are the main strengths of the article? These could be related to themethodology, assumptions, data, analysis, etc.? What are the main weaknesses of the article? These could be related to themethodology, assumptions, data, analysis, etc. Any critique has to be wellmotivated and substantiated (for example, saying "I'm skeptical" withoutgiving reasons why, is insufficient; saying "I'm skeptical because theauthors based their conclusions on a very small sample of data is sufficientif you explain why there is a problem with small sample size).? Propose possible extensions and ideas for future work based on the article.

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Other Subject: Methodology in your answer elaborate on the following
Reference No:- TGS0638096

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