Methodology for prediction

Statistical correlation and regression always inspire a certain degree of fascination because they provide a methodology for prediction. These techniques are not magic (and remember always that correlation is not causation), but in many circumstances useful predictions can be made.

The assignment is to fully describe a situation where you believe a statistical correlation or regression study using the methods that would be of interest and describe the study and how linear correlation or regression would further the aims of the study.

For this assignment my needs are very simple - no more than a paragraph or two is needed:

- Describe the study idea generally but clearly and specify if you will be using correlation or regression.

- Describe the sampling plan and the exact paired variables to be measured which should be quantitative. (Using qualitative variables or having more than two variables or trying to compare two or more different samples are common errors).

- Describe how you would verify that the requirements for either correlation or regression are met.

- Describe the utility of the result (either correlation or regression equation). Regression is usually easier.

- Comment on other students' posts.

Some tips:

1) Correlation and regression have popular definitions and statistical definitions. Make sure you are using the statistical definitions in this assignment.

2) No data or calculations are required

3) A simple study is preferred. This course does not cover how you would handle large numbers of variables.

4) Don't describe a study where you compare two (or more) different groups or samples.

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Basic Statistics: Methodology for prediction
Reference No:- TGS0727507

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