
Methodologies to promote product in global market

Select a country-Greece,
Company Santo Wine
Product to launch-gourmet olives
Market where that product is not presently marketed by that company in France

Complete global advertising portion of Global Marketing Plan. This portion of plan offers your global advertising strategy for your product. Advertising portion of plan must:

(a) Describe the different methodologies and techniques which can be utilized to promote product in global market.
(b) Explain methods you plan to utilize for developing global presence and visibility in advertising campaigns.
(c) Choose the best promotional tools to promote product in global market. Describe the related pros and cons of these tools.
(d) Describe what actionable measurement tools you will implement to actively understand success of your advertising methods

Complete Executive Summary portion of Global Marketing Plan. This element should be included at starting of the plan. This element of plan should be no more than 500 words and should follow APA format.

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Business Management: Methodologies to promote product in global market
Reference No:- TGS036495

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