The Java String class defines the following method to split a Java String object into multiple fragments of substrings and store them in a returned String array:
String[] split( String regularExpression)
The regularExpression argument specifies a delimiter or separator pattern. More detailed information can be found in the Java Document API ( The following example uses "-" as a separator to split a String object:
String initialString = "1:one-2:two-3:three";
String[] fragments = initialString.split("-");
The resulting fragments array contains three Strings of "1:one", "2:two", and "3:three". One can further split these fragments if needed. For example,
String[] pair1 = fragments[0].split(":");
The pair1 array contains two String objects of "1" and "one".
Given the following line in a text file:
A=Excellent B=Good C=Adequate D=Marginal E=Unacceptable
Write a method that would read this text file and print out the followings:
Grade A is Excellent
Grade B is Good
Grade C is Adequate
Grade D is Marginal
Grade E is Unacceptable