
method of greasing greasing of fixed end

Method of Greasing : Greasing of fixed end requires 20 to 25 minutes. The lifting is hardly 10 mm, ensuring that the gap is created between saddle block and knuckle pin. Saddle is not lifted above collar to prevent lateral creep of the girder. Steel scraper is used to remove old grease, dust and dirt. The contact area is cleaned with oil. Grease is applied and then girder is lowered back.

Greasing of free end requires 45 to 50 minutes. Knuckle plate is tied to the saddle plate with wire rope having turn buckle arrangement to release the load from roller when the girder is lifted. When the girder is lifted about 10 mm and rollers are free, link plate and tooth bar are removed after opening the stud connections. All rollers should be taken out and cleaned with scraper and these are sand-papered with a fine sand-paper of zero grade. Rollers should be examined for any possible signs of flattening or minute cracks with a magnifying glass. Grease graphite grade 3 conforming to IS 508 is applied over the base plate evenly below the roller contact area. The rollers are then placed in position and grease applied at the top contact surface. Link plate and tooth bars are connected with care so that tooth bar is placed in the same inclination as per the drawing.

With the help of turn buckle of wire rope sling, the knuckle plate is lowered over the rollers. This will create gap between the saddle block and knuckle plate. Cleaning and greasing of this area is then carried out similar to the fixed end and girder is lowered back.

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Civil Engineering: method of greasing greasing of fixed end
Reference No:- TGS0304750

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